
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Blown Call 96 - Finding the Casual Fan with Two Baked Ham's Jonah Kondro
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Mike has brought the Blown Call Show out of Retirement, and has a special guest, from the Two Baked Ham's podcast, Ham #2 Jonah Kondro. This week's topic is hardcore fans criticism of current storylines, and how it really doesn't matter. Most promotions are normally looking to attract casual fans, and talking with Jonah, they discuss what draws him in, as well as his thoughts on what kinds of promos draw people in. A very interesting interview.
Proudly Supported by Win Column Sports. Check out all their news and reviews on www.wincolumnsports.ca
Roudly supported by the largest independant wrestling Video On Demand Channel in the World, Powerslam.tv
Follow the guys on twitter
Mike @Miketheref
Jonah @JonahKondro
Two Baked Hams @twobakedhams
Backbreaker Media @BackbreakerMedi
On Instagram
Mike @miketherefEDM
Two Baked Hams @twobakedhams
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
ALSO, A BRAND NEW OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code EVOLUTION at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription.

Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Quick Calls - PWA Retribution 2018
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Andre C and Brian Hamilton are on the scene covering the Prairie Wrestling Alliance's first show after their Summer Break, Retribution. This show featured a 15 man gauntlet match for the #1 Contendership to Sheik Akbar Shabaz's newly won PWA Championship. A crazy night, with a crazy finish!!! A must listen.
Proundly supported by Win Column Sports. Please check them out at www.wincolumnsports.ca.
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of the Prairie Wrestling Alliance on Demand at pwawrestlingca.pivotshare.com
Contact us on Twitter
Andre C @thatCanadaGuy
Brian Hamilton @daWrestlingMind
Backbreaker Media @BackbreakerMedi
Check out Andre on Instagram @thatCanadaGuy
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia

Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Quick Calls - CWC Dark Side 2018
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Mike is joined on the road by a very big special guest, the man simply known as Andriy the Giant. They discuss the Canadian Wrestling Coalition Dark Side show from Festival Hall in Red Deer. Five big matches, including an unikely duo teaming up, and the main event between Pride and Dylon Stone, for the Alberta Title. A clear candidate for match of the year in Canada in 2018.
Proundly supported by Win Column Sports. Please check them out at www.wincolumnsports.ca.
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of the Canadian Wrestling Coaliton on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv
Contact us on Twitter
Mike the Ref @miketheref
Andriy @Andriy_TheGiant
Backbreaker Media @BackbreakerMedi
Check us out on Instagram
Mike @miketherefEDM
Andriy @the_cossack_viking
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
ALSO, A BRAND NEW OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code EVOLUTION at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription.

Friday Aug 24, 2018
Double Down Wrestling Podcast Episode 2 - August 24, 2018
Friday Aug 24, 2018
Friday Aug 24, 2018
Welcome back to the Double-Down Podcast, where we talk all things Women's Wrestling!!! KJ is joined this week by Backbreaker Media Senior Editor Mike Malowany, and Win Column Sport's Wrestling Guru Spencer Love. They cover everything from the fallout of SummerSlam Weekend, including NXT Takeover Brooklyn 4, WWE SummerSlam and the subsequent Raw and Smackdown episodes. This show may or may not go off the rails in a hurry...
Proudly supported by Win Column Sports. Check them out on Facebook, Twitter, or on their website www.wincolumnsports.ca
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of KJ Kash on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv, as well on backbreakervod.pivotshare.com.
Contact us on Twitter
KJ @KaylaJamies
Mike @miketheref
Spencer Love @SpennyLove_WCS
Win Column Sports @WCSportsCA
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
On Instagram
KJ @KaylaJamies
Mike @MiketherefEDM
Spencer @spennyandthejets
Win Column Sports @wincolumnsports
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
Check out our BRAND NEW CLOTHING SELECTION, including the One World Empire shirts as well as #theSTRUGGLE apparel now available at www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/edmonton-spn

Thursday Aug 23, 2018
Sounds of Struggle 89
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
After a week off, Chris Perish and Meniac are back with a jam-packed episode of the Sounds of Struggle. They give a full review of Summerslam weekend, including NXT Takeover 4, and WWE SummerSlam from the Barclay's Centre in Brooklyn, New York. Also, a little preview of the NFL Season coming up and some NHL News.
Proudly supported by Win Column Sports. Check them out on Facebook, Twitter, or on their website www.wincolumnsports.ca
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of tagStruggle on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv
And, A OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code TAGSTRUGGLE at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription. OFFER EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 1, 2018, SO MAKE SURE YOU GO ALL IN NOW!!!
Contact us on Twitter
Chris Perish @ChrisPerish
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
tag2truggle @TagStruggle
Podcast @tagStruggleSOS
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
On Instagram
Chris Perish @Chris.Perish
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
Check out our BRAND NEW CLOTHING SELECTION, including the One World Empire shirts as well as #theSTRUGGLE apparel now available at www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/edmonton-spn

Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Quick Calls - RCW From the Ashes 2018
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Mike is back at RCW, checking out the Rise from the Ashes show with his special Co-Host, Win Column Sports Own Spencer Love. A shocking debut, a epic beatdown, a main event with Lucha Underground's Cortez Castro, and Spencer getting some first experiences highlght this show.
Proundly supported by Win Column Sports. Please check them out at www.wincolumnsports.ca.
Contact us on Twitter
Mike the Ref @miketheref
Spencer Love @SpencerLove_WCS
Win Column Sports @WCSportsCA
Backbreaker Media @BackbreakerMedi
Check Mike out on Instagram @miketherefEDM
Check out Win Column Sports on Instagram @wincolumnsports
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia

Saturday Aug 18, 2018
Jobbing Out Summerslam Preview Special
Saturday Aug 18, 2018
Saturday Aug 18, 2018
Guest correspondent Daniel "Danimal" Jobber gives us his predictions and thoughts going into a red-hot Summerslam weekend, including NXT Takeover Brooklyn 4.
Backbreaker Media is available on Podbean, iTunes, Spotify and Google Play Music, as well as simulcast on YouTube.
Contact us on Twitter
Danimal Damiel Jobber @DanielJobber
Backbreaker Media @BackbreakerMedi
Check us out on Instagram
Danimal @DanimalDanielJobber
Backbreaker Media @miketherefEDM
Check out the Danimal's website danimaldanieljobber.ca, and contact him via email at danimaldanieljobber@gmail.com
Check out our BRAND NEW CLOTHING SELECTION, including the BRAND NEW DANIMAL apparel now available at www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/edmonton-spn

Thursday Aug 16, 2018
Sounds of Struggle 88 - #tagSTRUGGLE Talking Shop
Thursday Aug 16, 2018
Thursday Aug 16, 2018
While #tagStruggle is on vacation, check out this retro conversation from last May, following the Superclash against Cancer, with PPW Heavyweight Champion Kyle Sebastian, PPW Official Kenny, The Headline Shaun Martens, and #tagSTRUGGLE as they go all over the board. Stories about the Cauliflower Alley Club, and a very special birthday call included in this episode.
Proudly supported by Win Column Sports. Check them out on Facebook, Twitter, or on their website www.wincolumnsports.ca
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of tagStruggle on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv
And, A OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code TAGSTRUGGLE at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription. OFFER EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 1, 2018, SO MAKE SURE YOU GO ALL IN NOW!!!
Contact us on Twitter
Chris Perish @ChrisPerish
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
tag2truggle @TagStruggle
Podcast @tagStruggleSOS
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
On Instagram
Chris Perish @Chris.Perish
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
Check out our BRAND NEW CLOTHING SELECTION, including the One World Empire shirts as well as #theSTRUGGLE apparel now available at www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/edmonton-spn