
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Quick Calls - CWC Headlock of Horrors III
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Senior Engineer of Backbreaker Media, and host of CWC Evolution, Mike Malowany, covers the Halloween event for the Canadian Wrestling Coalition, Headlock of Horrors III. Six incredible matches, highlighted by a Halloween Horrors Tornado Elimination Match for the CWC Tag Team Championship Match between the Wrecking Crew and the unlikely team of Chris Perish and the Cheetahbear Jude Dawkins. An unbelievable ending.
Proundly supported by Win Column Sports. Please check them out at www.wincolumnsports.ca.
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of the Canadian Wrestling Coaliton on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv
Contact us on Twitter
Mike the Ref @miketheref
Backbreaker Media @BackbreakerMedi
Check us out on Instagram
Mike @miketherefEDM
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
ALSO, A BRAND NEW OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code EVOLUTION at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription.

Monday Oct 29, 2018
Quick Calls - PWA Fright Night 2018
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Andre C and Brian Hamilton cover the 2018 edition of the Annual Halloween Spectacular from the Prairie Wrestling Alliance, Fright Night. Eight great matches, two title changes, and two big announcements round out this card!!!
Proudly supported by Win Column Sports. Please check them out at www.wincolumnsports.ca.
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of the Prairie Wrestling Alliance on Demand at pwawrestlingca.pivotshare.com
Contact us on Twitter
Andre C @thatCanadaGuy
Brian Hamilton @daWrestlingMind
Backbreaker Media @BackbreakerMedi
Check us out on Instagram
Andre @thatCanadaGuy
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia

Friday Oct 26, 2018
Double Down Wrestling Podcast Evolution Preview - Oct 26, 2018
Friday Oct 26, 2018
Friday Oct 26, 2018
A super-sized pod this week, as KJ is joined by Mike and Win Column Sports' Spencer Love, as they discuss the go-home week in WWE to Evolution this Sunday. Topics include:
The interesting buildup to the title matches on both brands,
The cluster of setting up the other matches,
The best episode of the Mae Young Classic Yet!!!
Mike makes a big prediction on the future of women in WWE
Proudly supported by Win Column Sports. Check them out on Facebook, Twitter, or on their website www.wincolumnsports.ca
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of KJ Kash on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv, as well on backbreakervod.pivotshare.com.
Check out Mike's bi-weekly column "Tales from the Ref" on www.prowrestlingpost.com
Contact us on Twitter
KJ @KaylaJamies
Mike @miketheref
Spencer Love @SpennyLove_WCS
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
Win Column Sports @WCSportsCA
On Instagram
KJ @KaylaJamies
Mike @miketherefEDM
Spencer @spennyandthejets
Win Column Sports @wincolumnsports
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
Check out our BRAND NEW CLOTHING SELECTION, including the One World Empire shirts as well as #theSTRUGGLE apparel now available at www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/edmonton-spn

Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Sounds of Struggle 98 - The Pulj Party
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Chris Perish is going it alone this week, and he's got a ton to go through. From this week in WWE, predictions on this weekend's WWE Evolution card, this show will be rather wrestling heavy. But also, Perish talks the MLB World Series, the final two weeks of the Canadian Football League season, and an epic NHL game between the Edmonton Oilers and Pittsburgh Penguins. Crosby vs. McDavid, the two best players in the world, will produce some great highlights.
Proudly supported by Win Column Sports. Check them out on Facebook, Twitter, or on their website www.wincolumnsports.ca
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of tagStruggle on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv
And, A OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code TAGSTRUGGLE at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription.
Contact us on Twitter
Chris Perish @ChrisPerish
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
tag2truggle @TagStruggle
Podcast @tagStruggleSOS
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
On Instagram
Chris Perish @Chris.Perish
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
Check out our BRAND NEW CLOTHING SELECTION, including the One World Empire shirts as well as #theSTRUGGLE apparel now available at www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/edmonton-spn

Monday Oct 22, 2018
Total Nonstop Anarchy - WWA The Revolution
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Time to head to Vegas!!! Andre C is joined this week by Backbreaker Media correspondent Danimal Daniel Jobber as they check out the second PPV by the World Wrestling AllStars... WWA The Revolution, from the Alladin Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. A severe hard turn left on this PPV from The Inception, with only 7 wrestlers carrying over from the previous card. A whole lot of craziness, some midget action, and the WWA Heavyweight Championship is on the line between the challenger Brian Christopher and the champion Jeff Jarrett.
You can check out all the action of the World Wrestling AllStars as part of your Backbreaker Video on Demand Subscription. Check out backbreakervod.pivotshare.com, and enter the code ANARCHY for not only a 2-week free trial to sample the best in Alberta Wrestling, but also 50% off your first three month's subscription. No obligation, cancel anytime.
Proundly supported by Win Column Sports. Please check them out at www.wincolumnsports.ca.
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action from the best promotions in Alberta, as part of the LARGEST INDEPENDANT WRESTLING VIDEO ON DEMAND SERVICE IN THE WORLD... Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv
Contact us on Twitter
Andre C @thatcanadaguy
Danimal Damiel Jobber @DanielJobber
Backbreaker Media @BackbreakerMedi
Check us out on Instagram
Andre C @thatcanadadude
Danimal @DanimalDanielJobber
Check out the Danimal's website danimaldanieljobber.ca, and contact him via email at danimaldanieljobber@gmail.com
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Check out our clothing selection, including the Danimal's own apparel available at www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/edmonton-spn

Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Quick Calls - RCW Final Stand 2
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Real Canadian Wrestling Ring Announcer Kyle Shaw tries his hand at this solo podcast, covering the first day of RCW's biggest weekend of the year, Final Stand 2, from the Royal Canadian Legion #1 in Calgary Alberta. A feisty atmosphere and some great action, including the RCW Tag Team Champions Newfoundland Viking Rage taking on RCW Heavyweight Champion Christain Strife, Calgary favourite D. Dwight Davis, and WCW Alumni The Taskmaster Kevin Sullivan. And in their final encounter, Matt Hart looks to end Heavy Metal once and for all!!!
Check out these sites on twitter
Real Canadian Wrestling @RCW_Wrestle
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
Check out Backbreaker Media on Facebook www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
ALSO, A BRAND NEW OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code EVOLUTION at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months

Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Quick Calls - RCW Rise of Legends 8
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
The second night of Real Canadian Wrestling's Biggest Weekend of the Year, Rise of Legends 8 culminates from the St. Johns Cultural Centre in Edmonton. Tonight we have a huge lineup for a jampacked show, with Mike leading the charge, accompanied by Andre C, Brian Hamilton, Win Column Sports' own Spencer Love, and special guest, known from the Two Baked Hams Podcast, Stephanie Stitt. Special Guests on the pod include Ring Announcer Kyle Shaw, and RCW General Manager Thaddeus Archer III.
This show included the Billy Day Memorial Rumble, as well as owner Steven Styles taking on former WCW superstar Kevin Sullivan.
Proundly supported by Win Column Sports. Please check them out at www.wincolumnsports.ca.
Contact us on Twitter
Mike the Ref @miketheref
Andre C @thatCanadaGuy
Brian Hamilton @daWrestlingMind
Spencer Love @SpencerLove_WCS
Win Column Sports @WCSportsCA
Backbreaker Media @BackbreakerMedi
Check Mike out on Instagram @miketherefEDM
Check out Andre on Instagram @thatCanadaGuy
Check out Win Column Sports on Instagram @wincolumnsports
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
From the Second Row - Geeking Out with Luke and the Legend Ep 1
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Luke and the Legend T. James Logan take you into the world of Geekdom in their new podcast, Geeking Out. This week's episode includes:
Their thoughts on a couple movies they checked out over the last few weeks, spoiler free
T. James goes on a rant about reality shows
The guys give their favourite video game movies, and let you know about their favourite anime.
and so much more.
Check out From the Second Row Productions on Facebook or www.secondrow.ca
Proundly supported by Win Column Sports. Please check them out at www.wincolumnsports.ca.
Contact Backbreaker Media on Twitter @BackbreakerMedi
On Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia