
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Season Finale - Double Down Wrestling Podcast - November 9, 2018
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Friday Nov 09, 2018
KJ is joined by Mike as they cover this week in the WWE Women's Division. As well, this week Mike has some hot takes on the PWI Women's 100, and has a logical solution to the lack of in-ring time for the women recently.
Proudly supported by Win Column Sports. Check them out on Facebook, Twitter, or on their website www.wincolumnsports.ca
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of KJ Kash on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv, as well on backbreakervod.pivotshare.com.
Check out Mike's bi-weekly column "Tales from the Ref" on www.prowrestlingpost.com
Contact us on Twitter
KJ @KaylaJamies
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
Win Column Sports @WCSportsCA
On Instagram
KJ @KaylaJamies
Win Column Sports @wincolumnsports
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
Check out our BRAND NEW CLOTHING SELECTION, including the One World Empire shirts as well as #theSTRUGGLE apparel now available at www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/edmonton-spn

Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Sounds of Struggle 100 - The Andrade "Cien" Almas Episode
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Well... they made it!!! Chris Perish and Meniac made it to 100 episodes of the Sounds of Struggle! But rather than the typical mail-it-in clip show, the boys are giving you some hot takes this week. Topics include...
A rundown of the WWE Crown Jewel Event as well as the Sea of Honour Tournament,
NHL News and Notes,
Perish's rant on Quarterback recognition in the National Football League,
A Quick Breakdown on the upcoming Free Agency options in Major League Baseball,
Another reason why non-Toronto Fans hate Toronto Fans,
PLUS comments on the fallout of Monster Pro Wrestling Riptribution this past Saturday!!!
A jam packed episode!!!
Proudly supported by Win Column Sports. Check them out on Facebook, Twitter, or on their website www.wincolumnsports.ca
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of tagStruggle on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv
And, A OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code TAGSTRUGGLE at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription.
Contact us on Twitter
Chris Perish @ChrisPerish
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
tag2truggle @TagStruggle
Podcast @tagStruggleSOS
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
On Instagram
Chris Perish @Chris.Perish
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
Check out our BRAND NEW CLOTHING SELECTION, including the One World Empire shirts as well as #theSTRUGGLE apparel now available at www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/edmonton-spn

Monday Nov 05, 2018
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Kyle is on the road with the Canadian Wrestling's Elite Struttin and Cuttin Tour, a 32 show in 32 day trek across western Canada. While on their drive from Grande Prairie to Springbrook, Kyle had a chance to talk to two stars on the tour. From Newfoundland, and trained by someone VERY familiar to Albertans, Hellraiser Justin Lock, and from Chicago, Illinois, off his recent cameo as the Chilean Sea Bass on Monday Night Raw, Roy "Flash" Gordon.
Check out the latest on Canadian Wrestling's Elite at www.cwecanada.net or check out CWE on facebook.
Check out the latest videos from Backbreaker Media on the world's largest independant wrestling video on demand site, powerslam.tv Over 80 wrestling promotions and 2000+ hours of content. Sign up now for your free trial now!!!
Contact us on Twitter
Roy "Flash" Gordon @RoyFlashGordon
CWE Canada @CWECanada
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
On Instagram
Roy "Flash" Gordon @royflashgordon
CWE @cwe.canada
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia

Sunday Nov 04, 2018
Quick Calls - MPW Riptribution 11
Sunday Nov 04, 2018
Sunday Nov 04, 2018
Monster Pro Wrestling Acting General Manager Mike Malowany may be under the weather, but he still has time to give his thoughts on MPW's Premier Event of the year, Riptribution 11. Five championship matches, three title changes, and a shocking return in the Heavyweight Title Match.
Proundly supported by Win Column Sports. Please check them out at www.wincolumnsports.ca.
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of Monster Pro Wrestling on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv
Contact us on Twitter
Mike the Ref @miketheref
Backbreaker Media @BackbreakerMedi
Check Mike out on Instagram @miketherefEDM
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
ALSO, A BRAND NEW OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code EVOLUTION at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription.

Saturday Nov 03, 2018
Double Down Wrestling Podcast Episode 12 - November 3, 2018
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
KJ is joined by a special guest this week, the man simply known as "Little Mike", as they give their thoughts about Evolution this past Sunday from Long Island. All the highs of a really good card, and predicting what will go into Survivor Series in just over two weeks!!!
Proudly supported by Win Column Sports. Check them out on Facebook, Twitter, or on their website www.wincolumnsports.ca
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of KJ Kash on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv, as well on backbreakervod.pivotshare.com.
Check out Mike's bi-weekly column "Tales from the Ref" on www.prowrestlingpost.com
Contact us on Twitter
KJ @KaylaJamies
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
Win Column Sports @WCSportsCA
On Instagram
KJ @KaylaJamies
Win Column Sports @wincolumnsports
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
Check out our BRAND NEW CLOTHING SELECTION, including the One World Empire shirts as well as #theSTRUGGLE apparel now available at www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/edmonton-spn

Friday Nov 02, 2018
From the Second Row - PWA Radio - Fright Night 2018
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Friday Nov 02, 2018
T. James Logan is back with another edition of PWA Radio. It's the scariest show of the year, Fright Night, hosted by the Prairie Wrestling Alliance, from the Northgate Lions Senior Rec Centre in Edmonton. Join T. James, along with Ring Announcer to the stars What About Ivan, and Senior Intern Alistair Dark as they give their thoughts Pre and Post show to this great event!
Check out From the Second Row Productions on Facebook or www.secondrow.ca
Proudly supported by Win Column Sports. Please check them out at www.wincolumnsports.ca.
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of the Prairie Wrestling Alliance on Demand at pwawrestlingca.pivotshare.com
Contact Backbreaker Media on Twitter @BackbreakerMedi
On Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Sounds of Struggle 99 - The Adam Banks/We're Going There Episode
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Meniac is back on the pod after a two-week absence, and he and Chris Perish have a ton of wrestling to talk about. Including a thorough review of WWE Evolution. Also, the boys get into what animal should be more represented with sports teams. Plus a whole lot more excellence for your ear holes.
Proudly supported by Win Column Sports. Check them out on Facebook, Twitter, or on their website www.wincolumnsports.ca
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of tagStruggle on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv
And, A OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code TAGSTRUGGLE at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription.
Contact us on Twitter
Chris Perish @ChrisPerish
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
tag2truggle @TagStruggle
Podcast @tagStruggleSOS
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
On Instagram
Chris Perish @Chris.Perish
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
Check out our BRAND NEW CLOTHING SELECTION, including the One World Empire shirts as well as #theSTRUGGLE apparel now available at www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/edmonton-spn

Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Quick Calls - CWE Struttin and Cuttin Tour - St. Albert 2018
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Mike is joined by CWE Ring Announcer Andre C and newest member to the pod Alberto Beneficio as they talk about the 10th top in Canadian Wrestling's Elite Stop in St. Albert, AB. CWE never disappoints when they come through town, and tonight was no different. A great six-match card including a rematch of the Elite 8 Final earlier this year, with Marky taking on the winner of that prestigios tournament, Roy "Flash" Gordon. Also, an appearance by former WWE Tag Team Champion and WWE Legend Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, and some quick clips on manager to the stars, Thaddeus Archer III.
Check out the latest on Canadian Wrestling's Elite at www.cwecanada.net or check out CWE on facebook.
Check out the latest videos from Backbreaker Media on the world's largest independant wrestling video on demand site, powerslam.tv Over 80 wrestling promotions and 2000+ hours of content. Sign up now for your free trial now!!!
Contact us on Twitter
Mike Malowany @miketheref
Andre C @thatcanadaguy
CWE Canada @CWECanada
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
On Instagram
Mike Malowany @miketherefEDM
Andre C @thatcanadadude
CWE @cwe.canada
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia