
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Total Nonstop Anarchy - TNA Episode 8 (August 7. 2002)
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Andre and the Danimal are back in the Asylum, covering a big week in NWA-TNA History. On this episode, we have Ken Shamrock defending the NWA World Championship against Ron Killings. As well, in what the boys consider one of the best matches in this timeline, AJ Styles defends the X Division CHampionship against Jerry Lynn and Low-Ki. Plus the usual Anarchy that a TNA show provides every week.
You can check out the entire history of NWA-TNA on the Global Wrestling App, available on iTunes and Google.
Backbreaker Media is a proud member of Win Column Sports. Please check them out at www.wincolumnsports.ca.
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action from the best promotions in Alberta, as part of the LARGEST INDEPENDENT WRESTLING VIDEO ON DEMAND SERVICE IN THE WORLD... Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv.Use the code BACKBREAKER at when signing up for a free month of Powerslam TV
Contact us on Twitter
Andre C @thatcanadaguy
Danimal Daniel Jobber @DanielJobber
Backbreaker Media @BackbreakerMedi
Check us out on Instagram
Andre C @thatcanadadude
Danimal @DanimalDanielJobber
Check out the Danimal's website danimaldanieljobber.ca, and contact him via email at danimaldanieljobber@gmail.com
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
A BIG THANK YOU TO THE WORLD WRESTLING ALLSTARS, FOR HAVING THEIR SHOWS AVAILABLE ON DEMAND WITH BACKBREAKER MEDIA!!! Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code ANARCHY at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription.

Saturday Feb 16, 2019
A Moment with Meniac 003 - February 17, 2019
Saturday Feb 16, 2019
Saturday Feb 16, 2019
On this week's Moment with Meniac, Meniac goes off about banks, the gym, and anything else that boils him up. As well, he gives this thoughts and predictions on Sunday's Elimination Chamber PPV, and offers a unique opportunity to be on the podcast. All that and much more...
Backbreaker Media is a proud member of Win Column Sports. For all your new, previews and reviews of sports and professional wrestling, check them out on Facebook, Twitter, or on their website www.wincolumnsports.ca
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of tagStruggle on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv The World's Largest Indy Wrestling Video on Demand Site!!! Use the code BACKBREAKER when signing up for a free month's membership to Powerslam TV!!!
And, A OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code ALBERTAWRESTLING at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription.
Contact us on Twitter
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
On Instagram
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
Check out our BRAND NEW CLOTHING SELECTION, including the One World Empire shirts as well as #theSTRUGGLE apparel now available at www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/edmonton-spn

Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Sounds of Struggle 114
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Meniac and Perish are joined by a very special guest this week, Win Column Sports Head Honcho and Host of Over the Top Rope and Conversations with Love, Spencer Love. On this episode they discuss the culture of hockey in Edmonton, Salary Caps in Sports, the first week of Canadian Football League Free Agency, All Elite Wrestling news, and a whole lot more.
Backbreaker Media is a proud member of Win Column Sports. For all your new, previews and reviews of sports and professional wrestling, check them out on Facebook, Twitter, or on their website www.wincolumnsports.ca
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of tagStruggle on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv The World's Largest Indy Wrestling Video on Demand Site!!! Use the code BACKBREAKER when signing up for a free month's membership to Powerslam TV!!!
And, A OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code ALBERTAWRESTLING at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription.
Contact us on Twitter
Chris Perish @ChrisPerish
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
tag2truggle @TagStruggle
Spencer Love @SpennyLove_WCS
Podcast @tagStruggleSOS
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
Win Column Sports @WCSportsCA
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
Check out our BRAND NEW CLOTHING SELECTION, including the One World Empire shirts as well as #theSTRUGGLE apparel now available at www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/edmonton-spn

Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
This week Kyle sits down with one of the newest factions in Real Canadian Wrestling, Dirty Inc. Including Dirty Mike Jones, Cameron Stevens, and Cody Chimera. They talk about starting out in Alberta, and what plans Dirty Inc has for the #AlbertaWrestling landscape.
Backbreaker Media is a Proud Member of the Win Column Sports Network. Please check them out at www.wincolumnsports.ca.
Check out the LARGEST independent wrestling Video on Demand Channel on Earth, http://powerslam.tv 75+ promotions, including the Backbreaker Media family of promotions, and over 3000 hours of content for only $6.99 a month. Check out Powerslam TV for your two week free trial, and enter the code BACKBREAKER for an additional free month.
Check out these sites on twitter
Real Canadian Wrestling @RCW_Wrestle
Kyle @MondayNightShaw
Win Column Sports @WCSportsCA
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
Check out Backbreaker Media on Facebook www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
ALSO, A BRAND NEW OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code ALBERTAWRESTLING at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months

Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Sounds of Struggle 113
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
The Newsmakers Chris Perish and Meniac are back, making crazy hockey bets, talking NFL off season, and a whole lot more. Plus Chris Perish drops some hints as to why he made his bombshell decision to join Real Canadian Wrestling!!!
Backbreaker Media is a proud member of Win Column Sports. For all your new, previews and reviews of sports and professional wrestling, check them out on Facebook, Twitter, or on their website www.wincolumnsports.ca
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of tagStruggle on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv The World's Largest Indy Wrestling Video on Demand Site!!! Use the code BACKBREAKER when signing up for a free month's membership to Powerslam TV!!!
And, A OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code TAGSTRUGGLE at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription.
Contact us on Twitter
Chris Perish @ChrisPerish
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
tag2truggle @TagStruggle
Podcast @tagStruggleSOS
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
On Instagram
Chris Perish @Chris.Perish
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
Check out our BRAND NEW CLOTHING SELECTION, including the One World Empire shirts as well as #theSTRUGGLE apparel now available at www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/edmonton-spn

Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Total Nonstop Anarchy - TNA Episode 7 (July 31, 2002)
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
This may be the most chaotic episode of Total Nonstop Anarchy yet. We got AJ Styles vs. Elix Skipper... Low-Ki vs. Jerry Lynn... Apollo vs. Malice... and a midget with a gun??? To go through this insanity, the boys are joined by the host of Monday Night Shaw, Kyle Shaw.
You can check out the entire history of NWA-TNA on the Global Wrestling App, available on iTunes and Google.
Backbreaker Media is a proud member of Win Column Sports. Please check them out at www.wincolumnsports.ca.
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action from the best promotions in Alberta, as part of the LARGEST INDEPENDENT WRESTLING VIDEO ON DEMAND SERVICE IN THE WORLD... Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv.Use the code BACKBREAKER at when signing up for a free month of Powerslam TV
Contact us on Twitter
Andre C @thatcanadaguy
Danimal Daniel Jobber @DanielJobber
Kyle Shaw @MondayNightShaw
Backbreaker Media @BackbreakerMedi
Check us out on Instagram
Andre C @thatcanadadude
Danimal @DanimalDanielJobber
Check out the Danimal's website danimaldanieljobber.ca, and contact him via email at danimaldanieljobber@gmail.com
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
A BIG THANK YOU TO THE WORLD WRESTLING ALLSTARS, FOR HAVING THEIR SHOWS AVAILABLE ON DEMAND WITH BACKBREAKER MEDIA!!! Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code ANARCHY at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription.

Monday Feb 04, 2019
A Moment with Meniac - Meniac Pay Per View Podcast Party Royal Rumble
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Come join a moment with Meniac, as he sits down with his better half, Mrs. Meniac, and they provide their thoughts as they watch-along with you and the 2019 WWE Men's Royal Rumble Match. Some very interesting insights from the Queen on the Meniac docile!!!
Backbreaker Media is a proud member of Win Column Sports. For all your new, previews and reviews of sports and professional wrestling, check them out on Facebook, Twitter, or on their website www.wincolumnsports.ca
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of tagStruggle on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv The World's Largest Indy Wrestling Video on Demand Site!!! Use the code BACKBREAKER when signing up for a free month's membership to Powerslam TV!!!
And, A OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code ALBERTAWRESTLING at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription.
Contact us on Twitter
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
Backbreaker Media @BackBreakerMedi
On Instagram
Meniac @WrestleMeniac
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
Check out our BRAND NEW CLOTHING SELECTION, including the One World Empire shirts as well as #theSTRUGGLE apparel now available at www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/edmonton-spn

Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Quick Calls - MPW Eliminator 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Mike is making a rare appearance on the pod this week, along side Brian Hamilton, as they discuss the Monster Pro Wrestling Eliminator card from the Alberta Avenue Hall in Edmonton. Featuring a main event Eliminator match for the #1 Contendership to the MPW Provincial Championship. Along with TY Jackson making his singles debut and taking on The Headline Shaun Martens for his Heavyweight Championship. And the champ comes around for his thoughts on the show.
Backbreaker Media is a proud member of Win Column Sports. For all your new, previews and reviews of sports and professional wrestling, check them out on Facebook, Twitter, or on their website www.wincolumnsports.ca
Remember, you can catch all the wrestling action of Monster Pro Wrestling on Powerslam TV http://powerslam.tv Use the code BACKBREAKER on Signup for a free month of the largest Independent Wrestling Video on Demand Service in the world!!!
Contact us on Twitter
Mike the Ref @miketheref
Brian Hamilton @DaWrestlingMind
Backbreaker Media @BackbreakerMedi
Check Mike out on Instagram @miketherefEDM
Also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/backbreakermedia
On Youtube www.youtube.com/c/BackbreakerMedia
ALSO, A BRAND NEW OFFER FOR LISTENERS ON CHECKING OUT SOME GREAT VIDEO FROM BACKBREAKER MEDIA. Check out the site at backbreakervod.pivotshare.com. Over 150 hours of content available for just $5.99 a month. And more to be added soon. Use the code ALBERTAWRESTLING at checkout for not only a free 2-week trial, but 50% off your first 3 months subscription.