
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
WE MADE IT TO 10!!! Dad Bod Squad Pod Episode 10
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Simulcast from twitch stream December 13, 2020
The LEAST Professional Wrestling Podcast- The DBSP is celebrating it's 10th episode by...being someone professional? This week it is defending Hot Takes TY Jackson, Blake Kannon and PJC discussing what they want to see for Wrestlemania, Keith Lee can't work? STADIA being the best platform for Cyberpunk 2077, and the Galactic Federation? All this plus some spicy hot takes wraps everything up in a nice little package!
Sure, why not?
Check out our sweet new merch at www.streamlabs.com/miketheref/merch
Visit us on Twitter
Dad Bod Squad Pod: @DadBodSquad_Pod
James Crowder: @DadBodPJC
Rick Jules: @Rick_Jules
Blake Kannon: @BlakeKannon
TY Jackson: @TYJacksonRYLTY
Backbreaker Media: @Backbreakermedi
You can find us LIVE on www.twitch.tv/DadBodSquadPod (mostly) every Saturday around 9:30 PM MST, and you can also find us in audio form if you search for "Backbreaker Media" on your podcast destination of choice!

Saturday Dec 12, 2020
INTERVIEW WITH A GOOSE: Dad Pod Squad Pod Episode 9
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Recorded December 5, 2020 via twitch.
The LEAST Professional Wrestling Podcast- The DBSP is back with a SPECIAL EPISODE, we have our first interview/guest on the show as we talk to Kyle Shaw, also known as BEW Tag Team Champion Canadian Goose! We chat with Goose about his journey through the wild world of professional wrestling, and we learn the origin story of his name!
All this plus another episode of FMK and instead of the traditional Hot Takes, we all tell the world what our stupid Retribution name is! Sure, why not?
Check out our sweet new merch at www.streamlabs.com/miketheref/merch
Visit us on Twitter
Dad Bod Squad Pod: @DadBodSquad_Pod
Kyle Shaw: @MondayNightShaw
James Crowder: @DadBodPJC
Rick Jules: @Rick_Jules
Blake Kannon: @BlakeKannon
TY Jackson: @TYJacksonRYLTY
Backbreaker Media: @Backbreakermedi

Monday Dec 07, 2020
ALL RISE: Monday Night Shaw 56 w/PPW/RCW Judge Ben
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Order in the Court! The Canadian Goose sits down with one of the best referees in Western Canada, the man known as Judge Ben. They discuss his start in Monster Pro Wrestling, being the expert in Pole Matches, and the Wrestling Scene in Alberta as a whole.
Catch us on Instagram
Judge Ben: @oomenboon
Kyle Shaw: @The.Canadian.Goose
Backbreaker Media: @BackbreakerMedia
Check out Gooses Pro Wrestling Tees store https://www.prowrestlingtees.com/canadiangoose
New Merch for Monday Night Shaw available at https://streamlabs.com/miketheref/merch
Backbreaker Media is also available on Twitch, YouTube, and check out our On-Demand Video at backbreakermedia.pivotshare.com.

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Recorded November 29, 2020
The LEAST Professional Wrestling Podcast- The DBSP is back for another rip roaring episode of us not watching wrestling for the week. We discuss WWE Survivor Series (A week late...but whatever) and go over a rather unexciting week of wrestling and we keep the illuminati discussion to a minimum!
All this plus another episode of FMK and instead of the traditional Hot Takes, we all give our dream cross-promotional wrestling matches (Decent timing given recent wrestling news) Sure, why not?
Check out our sweet new merch at www.streamlabs.com/miketheref/merch
Visit us on Twitter
Dad Bod Squad Pod: @DadBodSquad_Pod
James Crowder: @DadBodPJC
Rick Jules: @Rick_Jules
Blake Kannon: @BlakeKannon
TY Jackson: @TYJacksonRYLTY
Backbreaker Media: @Backbreakermedi

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
The Steele Panther Cameron Stevens returns to Monday Night Shaw, and this time he is an engaged man. Kyle and Cam discuss surprising his fiancée in the ring.
As well, they discuss training with Tyson Dux, the impact of Tracey Smothers on wrestling today, and what an Albertan "Brawl for All" would look like. Along with discussing Cameron's new projects he is focussing on during COVID.
Check out the Steel Panther's Website at tsp.cameronstevens.com, or his linktree for all social media at linktr.ee/tspcameronstevens
Catch us on Instagram
Kyle Shaw: @The.Canadian.Goose
Backbreaker Media: @BackbreakerMedia
Check out Gooses Pro Wrestling Tees store https://www.prowrestlingtees.com/canadiangoose
New Merch for Monday Night Shaw available at https://streamlabs.com/miketheref/merch
Backbreaker Media is also available on Twitch, YouTube, and check out our On-Demand Video at backbreakermedia.pivotshare.com.

Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Kyle sits down with Real Canadian Wrestling Star and current amateur wrestling trainer at the Alberta Wrestling Academy, Jordan Aries.
The guys talk about their early part of their careers, a fun road trip, and beginning a career as a trainer.
Catch us on Instagram
Jordan Aries: @jo_coolj
Alberta Wrestling Academy: @AlbertaWrestlingAcademy
Kyle Shaw: @The.Canadian.Goose
Backbreaker Media: @BackbreakerMedia
Check out Gooses Pro Wrestling Tees store https://www.prowrestlingtees.com/canadiangoose
Backbreaker Media is also available on Twitch, YouTube, and check out our On-Demand Video at backbreakermedia.pivotshare.com.

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
WE STAN ZELINA VEGA!!! Dad Bod Squad Pod Episode 7
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Audio version of twitch Stream November 15, 2020. To catch the show live, check out www.twitch.tv/DadBodSquadPod
The LEAST Professional Wrestling Podcast- The DBSP is back for another rip roaring episode of us not watching wrestling for the week. We discuss the Zelina Vega firing Talk N Shopamania, we glaze over what was otherwise a boring week in Professional Wresting, and we probe into Blake Kannon's knowledge of Becky Lynch's due date!
All this plus another episode of FMK and of course the HOT TAKES!
Sure, why not?
Visit us on Twitter
NEW: Dad Bod Squad Pod: @DadBodSquad_Pod
James Crowder: @DadBodPJC
Rick Jules: @Rick_Jules
Blake Kannon: @BlakeKannon
TY Jackson: @TYJacksonRYLTY
Backbreaker Media: @Backbreakermedi

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
WWE IS SCUMMY? Dad Bod Squad Pod Episode 6
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Recorded live as part of twitch stream October 31, 2020. To catch the show live, check out www.twitch.tv/JamesCrowderDadBod for details.
The DBSP is back for another exciting (?) episode this week we talk about WWE Hell in a Cell, Matt Riddle, PJC loving Google Stadia as much as Blake Kannon loves T-Bar, who shot John E. Bravo...and QAnon?
Sure, why not?
Visit us on Twitter
James Crowder: @DadBodPJC
Rick Jules: @Rick_Jules
Blake Kannon: @BlakeKannon
TY Jackson: @TYJacksonRYLTY
Backbreaker Media: @Backbreakermedi